My Treadmill Desk Experience
The common misconception with the idea of a Treadmill Desk or walking workstation is that you have to be some kind of massively overweight person who is so lazy that they have to be shoved onto a treadmill at their desk. This couldn't be further from the truth. Many times, when I mention my treadmill desk, people wonder if I was obese at point, or wonder why I would need one because I'm already too skinny as it is. The treadmill desk wasn't built to be some magical weight loss obsession. The Surgeon General recommends walking 10,000 steps a day. If you've ever tried to use a pedometer and measured your steps, you'll quickly realize that 10,000 is whole heck of a lot. I'm a very active person after work with my kids, and sports, so I figured 10,000 must be easy. I was only hitting about 3,000 to 5,000 steps a day. That's only a fraction of what the surgeon general recommends.I then moved to the treadmill desk. I began walking about 3,000 steps in an hour!
Quite a big difference! I started off by only doing about 2 hours a day on the it, which easily got me to 10,000 steps in a full day.
My Treadmill Desk Notes
I just felt good.Work flowed.
Energy was up.
I felt like I smiled more.
Over time, I noticed I was getting more done.
The bottom line is that the treadmill desk was having a greater impact on my mind and body than just weight loss. I did notice that my weight dropped a bit over the first month, and if I was a little heavier, it probably would have been a significant change.
The experience of walking and working is for everyone. Don't get stuck on the idea that it's only for weight loss. It really takes you to a new place in your working environment that I had never been. It has been an inspiring experiment that will have to continue on because I'm not getting rid of this thing.
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